> While waiting for the Cable Car to lift off,take out the " Journal by an Outside World's Ghost".
> If there is any part we did not yet read or just skimmed or was unclear the last time read,examine it or them.
(Sorry, it's been way too danged hot)
>The car is already in motion, but you do have some time.
>You take the time to read the book a little. It seems to be a recollection of a ghost haunting a place in the outside world. It is a bit difficult to read, you don't have a point of reference for the lot of the things that it talks about, like apartment buildings (is that like a row of houses? Do they have multiple floors?) or traffic (you don't even know, here). This ghost, by the name of Hayasaka, seems to be something of a prankster, messing with people living in this "apartment complex" in a variety of ways, many of which you have no frame of reference for. Something about the writing seems fishy, though. If this is a journal, it is kind of weirdly written.