Author Topic: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish  (Read 656021 times)

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #930 on: April 23, 2021, 06:08:56 PM »
>Is our finger just going through darkness
>Try that thing were we eat an object and spit it out on our finger without regurgitating it or eating our finger off
>If our finger is in another plane create an eye on the end and survey the area

"Unless the cat in question is a bakeneko.  With so many cats here I wouldn't be surprised if one was a yokai."
>Give a bright smile. "Do you think they think of you as their master?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #931 on: April 23, 2021, 09:57:17 PM »
>What are the others doing?
>Do we still have fish?

//Just wanna make sure Phil didn't accidentally drop the food by doing things.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #932 on: April 23, 2021, 10:25:02 PM »
>Is our finger just going through darkness
>Try that thing were we eat an object and spit it out on our finger without regurgitating it or eating our finger off
>If our finger is in another plane create an eye on the end and survey the area

"Unless the cat in question is a bakeneko.  With so many cats here I wouldn't be surprised if one was a yokai."
>Give a bright smile. "Do you think they think of you as their master?"
>What are the others doing?
>Do we still have fish?

//Just wanna make sure Phil didn't accidentally drop the food by doing things.
> They're still progressing. The forest is in sight.
> You are still trying to hold the rest of your fish while using the same hand's finger to poke.
> It's just going into the darkness, not coming out the other darkness.
> You eat (but not actually try to eat) your finger with darkness.
> Trying to create an eye succeeds, but there's only darkness... Well, that and a few sticks and stones.

> "Probably not. I'm just someone who comes to feed them and such, after all. I'm not whoever abandoned them or anything, so they probably won't think of me like that."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #933 on: April 23, 2021, 10:49:23 PM »
>Didn't we eject all of those already?

>Make a small blob of darkness break off from our feet and move some distance away using the darkness in the ground if we can do so unnoticed.
>>If this is successful, then attempt to regurgitate the remaining sticks and stones that Prime's finger eye can see onto the ground using the blob.
>>>Have the blob discreetly re-merge with us afterwards. Have Prime start eating another fish (if she can do so without dropping them) if we feel a noticeable increase in hunger after doing this.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #934 on: April 23, 2021, 11:03:00 PM »
>Does the darkness feel like our darkness or regular darkness
>Try doing what we normally do to make darkness in reverse
>Observe how the sticks and stones leave

>"I would think that would you more of their master.  How often do you feed them?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #935 on: April 23, 2021, 11:51:23 PM »
>Didn't we eject all of those already?

>Make a small blob of darkness break off from our feet and move some distance away using the darkness in the ground if we can do so unnoticed.
>>If this is successful, then attempt to regurgitate the remaining sticks and stones that Prime's finger eye can see onto the ground using the blob.
>>>Have the blob discreetly re-merge with us afterwards. Have Prime start eating another fish (if she can do so without dropping them) if we feel a noticeable increase in hunger after doing this.
>Does the darkness feel like our darkness or regular darkness
>Try doing what we normally do to make darkness in reverse
>Observe how the sticks and stones leave

>"I would think that would you more of their master.  How often do you feed them?"
> You're sure you did. Maybe you ended up eating more than you took out?
> It feels like your darkness.
> You try to make your darkness, but in reverse.
> ... Nothing happens.

> "Pretty often. But I can't be here and do other things for them like playing and- ah. I've been here much longer than I normally do! And I was even late to get here in the first place. Sorry, I've gotta get going. Don't bother them too much!" The woman starts off.
> You make a bit of darkness under your feet, then spit the sticks and stones back out through such.

> The sticks and stones seem to be covered in darkness before they leave this area.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #936 on: April 23, 2021, 11:57:40 PM »
>"Well goodbye then. I do hope we can meet again sometime, it was nice talking to you Miss... um... Is there anything I can call you at least if you don't wish to share your name?"
>Note the position of the sun (but don't stare directly at it), what time of day does it seem to be, roughly?

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #937 on: April 24, 2021, 12:43:35 AM »
>Try to merge with the darkness

>Think on why we called ourself the youkai of dusk or twilight
>Are we completely separate from light or are light and darkness two parts of a whole


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #938 on: April 24, 2021, 12:59:07 AM »
>Try to merge with the darkness
>Don't do this.

//Remember Prime isn't alone. Something that might cause us to abruptly vanish from the others might be bad. Especially since Shingyoku (the female half at least) will likely capitalize on any excuse to exterminate us.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #939 on: April 24, 2021, 02:38:34 AM »
//I was wanting to leave our body alone except for our finger fusing with the shadow


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #940 on: April 24, 2021, 02:45:35 AM »
//Ah. You should've specified that you only wanted to sever and merge the finger, then. A general "try to merge with the darkness" heavily implies attempting to merge all of Prime into darkness.

>Amend the "Don't do this" to:
>>Sever the eye finger and attempt to merge it with the darkness.
>>Regrow a new finger to replace it as we do so. (or have the old finger reattach if the merging fails.)


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #941 on: April 24, 2021, 04:30:33 AM »
>"Well goodbye then. I do hope we can meet again sometime, it was nice talking to you Miss... um... Is there anything I can call you at least if you don't wish to share your name?"
>Note the position of the sun (but don't stare directly at it), what time of day does it seem to be, roughly?
>Try to merge with the darkness

>Think on why we called ourself the youkai of dusk or twilight
>Are we completely separate from light or are light and darkness two parts of a whole
//Ah. You should've specified that you only wanted to sever and merge the finger, then. A general "try to merge with the darkness" heavily implies attempting to merge all of Prime into darkness.

>Amend the "Don't do this" to:
>>Sever the eye finger and attempt to merge it with the darkness.
>>Regrow a new finger to replace it as we do so. (or have the old finger reattach if the merging fails.)
> You believe it's because you're not just some youkai that wants the world to drown in darkness or something. You know trying to take it over or get rid of light, or even make it weak is a stupid idea.
> You don't think you're part light.

> You sever your finger and make one anew, but don't notice anything else happen in the process. Trying to merge it with your darkness doesn't feel like it does much.

> "Just Mare- Agh! I told you I'm not supposed to be letting people know more about me!" The woman shouts as she leaves.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #942 on: April 24, 2021, 04:52:44 AM »
>"Technically I'm a person, not people~! Anyway, goodbye Miss 'Mare', I hope we can meet again sometime!"
>Chuckle a bit to ourselves. This 'Mini Yukari' is going to be fun to interact with in the future.
>Note the position of the sun (but don't stare directly at it), what time of day does it seem to be, roughly?

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #943 on: April 24, 2021, 05:32:28 AM »
>Try pulling the darkness back to create a hole
>Try making a table to the left of the hole

>Look around.
>Can we see the bamboo forest of the lost?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #944 on: April 24, 2021, 04:57:15 PM »
>"Technically I'm a person, not people~! Anyway, goodbye Miss 'Mare', I hope we can meet again sometime!"
>Chuckle a bit to ourselves. This 'Mini Yukari' is going to be fun to interact with in the future.
>Note the position of the sun (but don't stare directly at it), what time of day does it seem to be, roughly?
>Try pulling the darkness back to create a hole
>Try making a table to the left of the hole

>Look around.
>Can we see the bamboo forest of the lost?
> You try to make a hole by pulling the darkness back, but nothing changes in here still.
> The forest is still in sight. The rest of the group seems like-
> Yep, they've stopped here.
> "Well. Anyone come up with any ideas yet?" The woman questions.

> You look up and search for the sun
> "It's Mary! And I mean in general, not just-"
> Her voice seems to be cut out mid sentence.
> It seems like it might be early afternoon.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #945 on: April 24, 2021, 08:09:34 PM »
>Glance at everyone else.

>Send a microblob in Mary's direction. Either she hit the border and was cutoff mid sentence or she's in trouble. Better to make sure it isn't the latter.
>If microblob sees nothing out of the ordinary or encounters the border with no sign of Mary, have it return and re-merge with us.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #946 on: April 24, 2021, 10:15:41 PM »
>Contemplate having one of the shrine duo take your blob, break through the barrier, and finally taking everyone through your shadow realm and out the blob

>Walk up to the barrier
>Send a shadow connected to prime's body into the Earth and follow the barrier and find where it ends
>Then follow along the edge until hitting the middle of the forest finally try to go up

>In the shadow realm try to make a ball
>>Try pulling the darkness towards us


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #947 on: April 25, 2021, 12:41:18 AM »
>Glance at everyone else.

>Send a microblob in Mary's direction. Either she hit the border and was cutoff mid sentence or she's in trouble. Better to make sure it isn't the latter.
>If microblob sees nothing out of the ordinary or encounters the border with no sign of Mary, have it return and re-merge with us.
>Contemplate having one of the shrine duo take your blob, break through the barrier, and finally taking everyone through your shadow realm and out the blob

>Walk up to the barrier
>Send a shadow connected to prime's body into the Earth and follow the barrier and find where it ends
>Then follow along the edge until hitting the middle of the forest finally try to go up

>In the shadow realm try to make a ball
>>Try pulling the darkness towards us
> You wonder. It might be able to get everyone inside. But do you want everyone inside?
> You walk up to the forest entrance, but the duo, specifically the woman, pulls you back.
> "We told you already going in there's a bad idea if you can't take it." She repeats.
> "Let's at least weigh our options. Since no one has any ideas, what can we all do?" Daiyousei questions.
> "Death doesn't have much grasp on me because of what I am, but that doesn't sound like it'll help here." The white haired woman says.
> "My magic's flashy, but I don't specialize in barriers or time." Marisa shakes her head.
> "Destruction and Regeneration." The woman, then the man speak. "Whoever's the real enemy, or source, if we can damage it, we can get rid of it."
> "Or repairing, if you don't want to call it regeneration." The man adds.
> "How much of something can you destroy, exactly, miss?" The white haired lady asks.
> "That's for us to know. And it's Shingyoku, not miss."
> "And your name?" Daiyousei questioned.
> "Shingyoku." The man stated.

> You try and succeed in making a ball out of darkness.
> Though you don't note anything happening in this area with trying to pull darkness to you.

> You send some darkness towards where the woman left, but you don't see anything.
> "My my, I was wondering why my little guest seemed to be taking longer than usual." The voice of Yukari is heard behind you. "The little darkness youkai got back in shape."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #948 on: April 25, 2021, 12:52:26 AM »
>"Wait... you both have the same name?"

>Have our blob return to us, it has served its purpose.
>Turn around and shift into our standard adult sized form. No point in concealing it from Yukari and there's nobody else around anyway.
>"It's been a while, Yukari. Quite an interesting little fangirl you've got there, too... Oh, and for the record I don't plan on eating her if that's what you're concerned about."

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #949 on: April 25, 2021, 01:37:12 AM »
>Reabsorb the shadow on our hand and head
>Send a shadow blob into the Earth and follow the barrier and find where it ends
>Then follow along the edge until hitting the middle of the forest finally try to go up

>In the shadow realm cover the ball and shadow and try to push and pull it out through a shadow ahead of us in the bamboo forest

>"It has been a while Yukari.  I'm ashamed you saw me in that unbecoming state."
>Give a what will you do shrug.
>"How have you been?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #950 on: April 25, 2021, 03:32:23 AM »
>Reabsorb the shadow on our hand and head
>Send a shadow blob into the Earth and follow the barrier and find where it ends
>Then follow along the edge until hitting the middle of the forest finally try to go up

>In the shadow realm cover the ball and shadow and try to push and pull it out through a shadow ahead of us in the bamboo forest
>Don't do this yet.
//I mean everyone is sharing what they can do rn, it would be rude not to answer them and just go ahead.

>Actually do reabsorb the shadow on hand/head.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2021, 05:10:02 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #951 on: April 25, 2021, 05:23:28 AM »
>"Wait... you both have the same name?"

>Have our blob return to us, it has served its purpose.
>Turn around and shift into our standard adult sized form. No point in concealing it from Yukari and there's nobody else around anyway.
>"It's been a while, Yukari. Quite an interesting little fangirl you've got there, too... Oh, and for the record I don't plan on eating her if that's what you're concerned about."
>Reabsorb the shadow on our hand and head
>Send a shadow blob into the Earth and follow the barrier and find where it ends
>Then follow along the edge until hitting the middle of the forest finally try to go up

>In the shadow realm cover the ball and shadow and try to push and pull it out through a shadow ahead of us in the bamboo forest

>"It has been a while Yukari.  I'm ashamed you saw me in that unbecoming state."
>Give a what will you do shrug.
>"How have you been?"
>Don't do this yet.
//I mean everyone is sharing what they can do rn, it would be rude not to answer them and just go ahead.
> You reabsorb the darkness you had out.
> "We both go by Shingyoku. We're tied together, basically." The duo speaks.
> "I can warp." says Daiyousei.
> "Could you get into the forest with that?" The white haired girl asks.
> "I don't see why not. But that's probably a bad idea..."
> "...You seem to have a bit of a plan already ready, conveniently." The man looks to the fairy.
> "Eh? How?"
> "That wisp-like creature. It's a bit of a hypothesis, but you've done something unique to it related to yourself, no?"
> "Well... I made it so I can return to it should I... Meet an untimely demise." The fairy uses quite the vocabulary.
> "That makes you a good candidate for going in then. If you can't get out in time, there's still a way." The female Shingyoku speaks. "So, am I going with her, or is someone else?"
> "I've gotta stay here so she has that in the first place, so..." the white haired woman steps back.

> You turn, only to see a gap closing as a two tailed cat youkai falls out.
> The gap youkai chuckles as it closes.
> "M-Me? I thought you would've had Ran... Ah, well it is the cat village..." The cat stands back up, looking up to your larger size. "So uh... Welcome to... this place." She moves her arms around, trying to emphasize the... ruined area.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #952 on: April 25, 2021, 06:02:52 AM »
>Raise an eyebrow at the fairy's choice of words

>"I can create darkness, travel through it, and move things between my shadows."

>In the shadow realm cover the ball with shadow and try to push and pull it out through a shadow ahead of us in the bamboo forest

>"Thank you.  I'm Rumia, the youkai of twilight.  To whom do I speak?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #953 on: April 25, 2021, 06:06:13 AM »
>"I can manipulate darkness, if that would help at all for our current situation, and as the two of you--"
>indicate Shingyoku.
>"--already figured out, I can split my own darkness to create secondary bodies. Though I'm not sure how it would affect all of me as a whole if a portion of my essence entered that place."

>Do we know of this person, or this 'Ran' person she mentioned?
>"Aw, and here I was hoping to catch up with an old acquaintance..."
>In a display of over the top drama: "You wound me, Yukari. You wound me..."
>Stand straight and smile at the cat youkai.
>"In all seriousness though, I appreciate the welcome."

>"Thank you.  I'm Rumia, the youkai of twilight.  To whom do I speak?"
>Hold off on this for now.
//You Ninja'd me while posting my actions, and it directly conflicts with my query about whether or not we already know this person. Therefore I would like it to hold off for a parse just to see whether or not we know already.

//EDIT: Sorry for the edit, but I didn't read the prime actions until after the contingency thing.
>"I can create darkness, travel through it, and move things between my shadows."
>Omit the latter two details about our abilities.

//I don't want to give Shingyoku too much information about our abilities. Just in case they attempt to directly counter us. Therefore I only told them information they already know.

//EDIT 2 (sorry):

>Do we actually create darkness, per say, or just pull it from somewhere else? If it's the latter, then omit the first fact as well, as that would be an inaccuracy.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2021, 06:09:39 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #954 on: April 25, 2021, 03:08:34 PM »
>Raise an eyebrow at the fairy's choice of words

>"I can create darkness, travel through it, and move things between my shadows."

>In the shadow realm cover the ball with shadow and try to push and pull it out through a shadow ahead of us in the bamboo forest

>"Thank you.  I'm Rumia, the youkai of twilight.  To whom do I speak?"
>"I can manipulate darkness, if that would help at all for our current situation, and as the two of you--"
>indicate Shingyoku.
>"--already figured out, I can split my own darkness to create secondary bodies. Though I'm not sure how it would affect all of me as a whole if a portion of my essence entered that place."

>Do we know of this person, or this 'Ran' person she mentioned?
>"Aw, and here I was hoping to catch up with an old acquaintance..."
>In a display of over the top drama: "You wound me, Yukari. You wound me..."
>Stand straight and smile at the cat youkai.
>"In all seriousness though, I appreciate the welcome."
>Hold off on this for now.
//You Ninja'd me while posting my actions, and it directly conflicts with my query about whether or not we already know this person. Therefore I would like it to hold off for a parse just to see whether or not we know already.

//EDIT: Sorry for the edit, but I didn't read the prime actions until after the contingency thing.>Omit the latter two details about our abilities.

//I don't want to give Shingyoku too much information about our abilities. Just in case they attempt to directly counter us. Therefore I only told them information they already know.

//EDIT 2 (sorry):

>Do we actually create darkness, per say, or just pull it from somewhere else? If it's the latter, then omit the first fact as well, as that would be an inaccuracy.
> You create darkness.
> You cover the ball of darkness with... more darkness, and try to retrieve it through a shadow ahead in the forest.
> Like before with trying to "portal" things through darkness that isn't your own darkness, it doesn't seem to work.

> The duo sighs.
> "Well that's not enough to help out. It's no use if you can get in, what matters is if you can get out. Otherwise, you'd just be stuck inside forever."
> "Maybe unless it's stopped then getting out is fine. But if we can't stop it immediately, the option to retreat would be valuable." The man speaks.
> "Aw. Good on you for looking out for us." Marisa chimes.
> "Well, let's get going then. Just me and the fairy." The woman picks up the fairy, before charging in to the forest.
> It doesn't seem like she got stopped, unlike your attempt to reach the plants deeper in the forest through shadows before.

> The man sits down, followed by Marisa and the white haired woman.
> "So, Shingyoku was it?" The white haired woman questions. "Care to tell more about that destruction of hers?"
> "My partner would not appreciate me just telling strangers more about us than necessary. Rather, she prefers to show it off..." He glances aside in annoyance.
> "Strangers huh." The white haired woman sighs. "Fine. Fujiwara no Mokou. I'm an immortal."
> "Huh. I knew you were familiar. That dress really made it hard though." Marisa snickers.
> "An immortal?" The man raises his eyebrow. "As in a god? Or-"
> "I won't kick the bucket for good. Ever. Drew a lonely ticket to the end of the universe." Mokou explains.

> You feel like someone's watching you... You hope it's not that owl again.

> You don't know this cat. But you do believe Yukari has a Shikigami or an assistant. Maybe it's her. Or this Ran. Or if it isn't a shiki, then that girl?
> "Ah. I only just got here and I'm already being disappointing!" She kicks a rock in frustration."


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #955 on: April 25, 2021, 11:43:28 PM »
>Is it Prime or Contingency being watched?
>If it's Contingency then it's probably just Yukari.

>Frown a bit upon hearing Mokou's words. That sounds so sad...
>Only if we are the body that felt like being watched: Glance around for potential observers.

>"You're not. I'm not really as disappointed as you think, and it's not directed at anyone in general anyway."
>"Anyway, considering you just dropped out of a gap, I'm assuming you're either Yukari's shikigami or someone she otherwise trusts to act as what I assume is her proxy. Regardless, it's nice to meet you. My name is Rumia, Youkai of Twilight. Who might you be?"

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #956 on: April 26, 2021, 01:16:08 AM »
>"What about ghosts and spirits?"

>Send a shadow blob into the Earth and follow the barrier and find where it ends
>Then follow along the edge until hitting the middle of the forest finally try to go up

>"Perhaps you could tell me more about the history of this village."

>Do we have any idea of when we were sealed?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #957 on: April 26, 2021, 03:51:14 AM »
>Is it Prime or Contingency being watched?
>If it's Contingency then it's probably just Yukari.

>Frown a bit upon hearing Mokou's words. That sounds so sad...
>Only if we are the body that felt like being watched: Glance around for potential observers.

>"You're not. I'm not really as disappointed as you think, and it's not directed at anyone in general anyway."
>"Anyway, considering you just dropped out of a gap, I'm assuming you're either Yukari's shikigami or someone she otherwise trusts to act as what I assume is her proxy. Regardless, it's nice to meet you. My name is Rumia, Youkai of Twilight. Who might you be?"
>"What about ghosts and spirits?"

>Send a shadow blob into the Earth and follow the barrier and find where it ends
>Then follow along the edge until hitting the middle of the forest finally try to go up

>"Perhaps you could tell me more about the history of this village."

>Do we have any idea of when we were sealed?

> It doesn't feel like either specifically / solely.
> You finally get to send some darkness into the ground, trying to find where the "barrier" ends.
> But just like before, you never seem to progress. It seems like whatever's happening to the forest might reach all the way down, too.

> "They're still in the cycle of life and death. I'm on the life side, permanently. If I die, I just come back to life. Even fairies are tied to their nature. But... there might be a way to get past that. We might even be onto something."*
> "I suppose I can't exactly relate. I've been stuck with my enemy for a long time. Though we've come to enjoy our tied existence and are partners now." The man speaks.
> "She was your enemy? How much so?" Mokou questions, intrigued.
> "It was a long time ago, when we were trying to kill each other. I hope that others with a severe enemy can move on past that stage quickly. Usually, such forces are better together than against each other, despite how hard it is to come to cooperation."
> "Usually, huh?"

> No one suspicious seems to be around...

> You don't remember at what time you were sealed.
> "I'm Chen. Shikigami of Yukari's Shikigami." The cat introduces herself. "This village is... a village of cats. There's just cats here now. No one really comes around. Which makes me a bit confused as to why you're here. It only seems like you're hunting us down..." She frowns a bit.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2021, 01:23:59 PM by Neovereign »

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #958 on: April 26, 2021, 07:20:47 AM »
>"Are there any fairies with a nature that doesn't fade like darkness?"
>"That is very unique advice."
>Do we have any mortal enemies?  Perhaps a god or youkai of light?

>Have our blob examine itself and compare it to the normal darkness.
>>Do we feel like there is something we can do to bind the normal darkness to us?

>"I was merely looking for a home that was off the beaten road.  It was very surprising to find the village and even more shocking to meet Yukari here.  I've been asleep* for a long while and find myself still sorting the dream from reality."

//*our memories and personality slumbered in our sealed form
//This is also to give her an explanation as to why our memories are jumbled.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #959 on: April 26, 2021, 07:52:22 AM »
>"I have no intention to hunt down cats, so don't worry. While I may be a carnivore there are certain forms of life I'd prefer not to eat unless I had no other choice."
>"So this place wouldn't be within Yukari's territory, would it? If so, I had no intention of trespassing."