> "Stay safe, my Lord."
> If Tenma doesn't speed away from us too quickly, give them a quick hug, enough to press our chest into them. Gauge their reaction to this.
> Then head off toward Boss Iizunamaru's place, if we know where it is. If we don't know where it is, head off to Momi's place instead. (Keep track of the direction Tenma goes in, so we have a general idea of where to retrieve them from.)
> What is that other person doing?
> "Ah. Well, from what little I can remember, in terms of the whole region, there are some humans there, though not too many. Where I live is all my people, though, so I don't see humans regularly. Though, it's not a big deal, since I can just hide my wings and suddenly I look just like a human. I think."
> "Um, are we stopped here because that person is someone of interest? Are they an Usami, maybe?"