> How do the winds feel?
> Frown deeper.
> Find Tenma's private quarters and check that place out for anything good, be it mission-critical or otherwise.
> Better than nothing! Follow those prints.
> Cold. And still somewhat trapped like the castle. Though there's more open room out here.
> You make your way through... finally getting to a place you shouldn't be. Thankfully the cold isn't intense enough to freeze everything shut.
> There's some good things in here... fans. Blades. Probably not the best in the village, but not bad either. There's no loose papers about.
> You do actually find a report of sorts. Or maybe a note? One part seems to be considerations on having Hatate investigate possible sources for the cold, specifically instead of the cold itself. Another considers that you might get to it yourself anyways, then goes into how you might figure some way to make your wind much colder than the surroundings given your recent actions.
> The next seems to be relief over having less duties, but frustration over something still being broken, and having been unable to fix it yet, even with the time to try. There's insistence that Tenma wouldn't ask anyone for help. Or rather, couldn't.
> Following is a quick thought of it the wind priestess of the Moriya Shrine should be considered a god, but being captured harms that thought. There's a second thought with the fact that Tenma herself was caught, in a way, but that Tenma has a miracle worker in you anyways.
> It stops abruptly in wondering if you're frozen somewhere, or have a trick like the shrine. The cutoff is with you still owing. Owing the shrine something? Owing Tenma something?
> This... shouldn't be a diary. It'd need pages, and to be a book of sorts. Maybe she has one elsewhere if she does stuff like this. Or more pages elsewhere. You haven't dug through anything yet after all.
> They don't lead far. It just seems like a few steps off of a path that leads to a door to the building you're at. Or maybe it's going away. There doesn't seem to be more to follow...