> Look shocked, and let a bit of color drain from our face. We almost just...
> "O-oh. Uhh...really do forgive my impertinence, then, please. I didn't realize."
> Look her up and down. How does she look, in our professional WLW opinion?
> "Although, if this is your true form, and you've presumably been following me for at least some amount of amount of time now, and we're not in immediate danger...you must know what comes next, right?"
> Qiuickly swoop over and scoop Shingyoku up in our standard bridal carry. Keep our hands close to, but not yet directly on, the standard sensitive areas.
> "Don't worry, you aren't the first. Though in this case you'd either have thrown us into the gap space itself or just your stomach."
> She has four horns adorning the sides of her head. She wears a blue capelet, and under is a white top, followed by a red skirt reaching her knees.. Her hair is long and red, not put into a ponytail or anything. Naturally, your figure is more shapely than hers, but its not a huge loss, and she makes up for the loss with a better physique.
> "It's one of-"
> You scoop up the Oni, to her surprise.
> "Oh? You're playing with fire, you know."
> You can see Cirno's group. All unconscious. Piled onto a wheelbarrow before the bridge down here.
> Though Miko is lying on the lap of someone robed in disguise.
> There's also Orin here, waiting on something.