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Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Neovereign on June 10, 2024, 08:55:10 PM »

> "He is Master's friend. It would be uncouth for me to not show proper deference accordingly."


> "Anyway, I apologize that our adventure together was cut short. I hope we can resume it some day. I still wish to take you to meet your friend in the Bamboo Forest, for one."
> We should have a feel for Waka's presence and existence at this point, right? Given we've had her inside us for quite some time now. Try pulling her existence into our own, using our familiarity with and proximity to it.
> "Huh? Like, Yuyuko's?" Reimu asks.

> "Sure. It'd be nice to do this again." The mermaid responds.
> You try a few ways to pull the mermaid's existence into your own as you head towards the lake, or maybe make it a part of yours, but none of them seem to be doing anything. It doesn't even look like you're taking her over or anything either.
> The lake is in view, and there just seem to be the usual fairies playing around from what you can see.
FYI both full version of Alchemist of Desire by SHO dropped and so did second part of Ring World Magical Country. by Chama. I'm just really slow with updating the OP and writing my thoughts, but I'm almost finished as of right now.  :fullpower:

Probably old news here, but Treasure Castle Labyrinth has a new version with remastered tracks + a whole game for it

(Can't really put links rn cuz on phone)
Said info about it has been on the OP for months, but thanks for reminding me to check it out again once Labyrinth Stage drops. Cheers!
The chinese circle 旧雨忆梦幻想乐团, responsible for The Potential Crisis and The Golden Age Will Return Again, has released their third fangame album.

东方华讨声章 ~ Stability of Broken heart
Three high-quality album releases in the span of less than a year is really impressive. You can see each album getting progressively better than the last.
I definitely agree with you there! Especially since Golden Age is currently in my Top 5 so I do doubt this will beat that, but if it does, holy cow. Delaying update and patch notes till I'll listen through the new album, thanks!
Also youtube upload
Clover, you are my lucky MVP, fixing my poor quality Golden Age mp3 folder thanks to ya
I am interested, since I have some of them that are nostalgic to me. I'll start.

• Touhou 7 (The first Touhou game I actually played on my laptop)
• Touhou 16 (The first Touhou game I beat on Easy)
• Touhou 10.5 (My first Touhou fighting game)

• Merry the Magician (It gives off a mysterious aura while listening to it.)
• Flower of Past Days ~ Fairy of Flower (It sounded peaceful to me. Idk, I just like it.)
• Legend of Hourai (It sounded like an ancient Japanese song with a melancholic tone.)
• A Star of Hope Rises in the Blue Sky (It sounded really hopeful (lol).)
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 2 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by Kilgamayan on June 10, 2024, 03:41:38 PM »
> "What the...?"
> If we can safely take our hands off the wheel, pull out our spyglass and get a better look at the lights.
> If we cannot safely take our hands off the wheel, pull out our spyglass with one hand, hold it up, and ask "Can one of you check out that string of lights down there?"
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 2 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by It's Purvis! on June 10, 2024, 03:29:30 PM »
> "Oh. That'll depend on what the layout of the land is. Something like what just happened with Lady Orihime would be ideal, though."

>Koa nods, seeming satisfied with this.
>The voyage falls into...mostly comfortable silence. Aside from Koa kicking her feet every so often. Morning passes, lunchtime comes and goes with some Aoi making some simple onigiri. The winds pick up as the day moves on, giving you more speed than you expected.
>About mid afternoon, you note something curious; a band of tiny lights stretching along the sky, some distance below you. They don't seem to be stars, you think, but something like them? You are sure they would be too small and distant to see from Gensokyo.

Rumia's Party Games / Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Last post by Tom on June 10, 2024, 02:29:27 PM »
> Agree 'You're right, we should ask our hosts to see what they know.  I just thought perhaps they haven't figured out how to unseal it in their time here or have been too busy with the Netherworld to work on it."
> Gesture up the steps towards going and asking Yuyuko about it.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Last post by degradingwindow on June 10, 2024, 02:28:08 PM »
> "On the topic of Yuyuko,  I checked the weather the spirit of Saigyou Ayakashi and it had the same weather as her."
> "Unique and special people like her normally have their own unique weather and it's even odder for her to share the weather with a tree of all things"

> Is there anybody in our surroundings that we could possibly ask about the tree's origins.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Last post by WitheringFlowerCrown on June 10, 2024, 12:57:25 PM »
> Ask politely "Is that how you became the poverty goddess?"

>"No, these appeared after I became a Poverty Goddess. How I did so was a long life of destitution..."

> In a funny tone "As for the tree, perhaps the last head of the Netherworld thought it outgrew or overshadowed the rest of the garden and just decided to seal it than bother trimming it."
> Laugh "Let's just say it doesn't particularly enjoy haircuts..."

>"Yikes. That might be true, it's a pretty permanent solution. But wouldn't sealing the tree be more troublesome than just hiring someone else to prune and trim it every so often?"
>Given that the job is entrusted to Youmu, you don't think she even gets paid.
>"But carrying on from the joke, this tree must be very dangerous to be sealed. I guess if you want to seal a tree then you would want to get at its roots. Those are where they get their nutrients, a pretty important thing. So one of the "Lodestones" of the Seal must be at least near its roots."
>"Though I do wonder why we're the ones speculating about the seal on the Tree. Wouldn't Youmu have more information about the seal, given that she's the Gardner? Or Yuyuko, given that she's the Lady of the Hakugyokurou?"
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Kilgamayan on June 10, 2024, 12:02:58 PM »

> "He is Master's friend. It would be uncouth for me to not show proper deference accordingly."


> "Anyway, I apologize that our adventure together was cut short. I hope we can resume it some day. I still wish to take you to meet your friend in the Bamboo Forest, for one."
> We should have a feel for Waka's presence and existence at this point, right? Given we've had her inside us for quite some time now. Try pulling her existence into our own, using our familiarity with and proximity to it.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Neovereign on June 10, 2024, 11:51:12 AM »

> Smile.
> "Don't worry, I trust that you won't do that. If you wish to be safe, though, you can always resume your resistance if you feel such urges coming on."
> The mermaid nods. You don't feel anything weird yet, though...

> "So why is she calling you master now? How much yapping did you do to her?" Reimu questions Genji, arms crossed.
> "Only a bit young miss. There wasn't much wisdom I could impart I'm afraid."
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