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Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Neovereign on June 11, 2024, 12:50:10 AM »

> "An opportunity to train under a Hakurei elder...! I would be foolish to pass up such an opportunity if I did not have to."


> Point within ourselves at Waka.
> Then pull our arm out of ourselves, and try 'solidifying' our 'skin' so that nothing can pass through it, in our out.
> "I'm not an elder. And I don't think a swordsman would help too much in my areas."
> "Then how about that other shrine maiden. Miss Kochiya, I believe?"
> "You want me to train with her?"
> "Why not?"

> You try to keep your body from being pushed through, as Wakasagihime expands again.
> Still, the same thing ends up happening in the failed attempt, and the mermaid apologizes as she goes back to normal.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Kilgamayan on June 11, 2024, 12:45:53 AM »

> "An opportunity to train under a Hakurei elder...! I would be foolish to pass up such an opportunity if I did not have to."


> Point within ourselves at Waka.
> Then pull our arm out of ourselves, and try 'solidifying' our 'skin' so that nothing can pass through it, in our out.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Neovereign on June 11, 2024, 12:42:33 AM »

> "Wow. I never knew..."


> "Oh, can we try your ability one last time once we're submerged? I wonder if things will be different."
> Descend fully into the water.
> "Given you'd still be unable to beat her, why don't you try training a bit seriously, miss Reimu?" Genji suggests.
> "It's not like she's gonna show up out of nowhere."
> "But if she does and you give her that reason?"
> Reimu audibly gulps.
> "Perhaps both of you could train together for such an occurrence."

> You descend into the water.
> "Me trying, or you?"
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Kilgamayan on June 11, 2024, 12:35:00 AM »

> "Wow. I never knew..."


> "Oh, can we try your ability one last time once we're submerged? I wonder if things will be different."
> Descend fully into the water.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Neovereign on June 11, 2024, 12:31:24 AM »

> Look mildly uncertain.
> "...I dunno..."
> Blink.
> "Wait, you had a master too, Reimu?"


> Nod.
> "That's good. I will be interested to see if these changes are temporary or permanent."
> "Hardly. I was stuck with gramps here a lot of the time. I don't recall her teaching me how to fly, let alone even walk on my own two legs."
> "Well, she was quite busy since these new spell card rules weren't here before." Genji explains.

> "Mhm." The mermaid agrees as you reach the surface.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Kilgamayan on June 11, 2024, 12:12:42 AM »

> Look mildly uncertain.
> "...I dunno..."
> Blink.
> "Wait, you had a master too, Reimu?"


> Nod.
> "That's good. I will be interested to see if these changes are temporary or permanent."
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Neovereign on June 10, 2024, 11:58:14 PM »

> Shake our head.
> "Master Konpaku."


> "Looks like we'll be arriving shortly. How do you feel, Lady Wakasagi?"
> "You've got a master with the same name huh? So, did they teach you anything?"
> "Yours sure didn't, young miss." Genji comments.
> "Tch. IF she's still around, she's probably sitting about somewhere, enjoying retirement and fattening up." Reimu scoffs.
> "Could be likely. But wouldn't you still lose to her even now?"
> "A-Ahem, you don't need to call gramps master. He's just an old man, even if he knows one or two previous big shots."

> "Still fine, I guess."
For me,

Touhou 8 - My first introduction to the Touhou games
Touhou 5 - The first Touhou game I played
Touhou 4 - The game that got me hooked on Touhou

Track 1 from DiPP (I forget what it's called) - I'm not sure what it is, it just sounds nostalgic
Tabula Rasa - Most PC-98 songs are nostalgic for me, but especially Tabula Rasa. It's a fairly light song with a sad tinge to it.
Cinderella Cage - The first Touhou song I listened to that wasn't an arrange
Shanghai Teahouse ~ Chinese Tea. That's all.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Myon Quest - Scattered Souls
« Last post by Kilgamayan on June 10, 2024, 08:56:58 PM »

> Shake our head.
> "Master Konpaku."


> "Looks like we'll be arriving shortly. How do you feel, Lady Wakasagi?"
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