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The Shrinemaiden Café / Re: How was your teenage years?
« Last post by Antimattter Eels on Today at 06:36:32 PM »
Another thing, do you guys have any regrets during your teen days? I know I have my regrets also.

oooh definitely! but I think those regrets are a sign that you've grown. But, I've still got like a year and a half more until I'm officially no longer a teen... maybe I should start doing more cringe things for me to regret in the future! >:}
> "Thank you, now I don't have to go out of my way to find some perfume myself."

> Apply the perfume on ourselves and check our smell again afterwards.
> Complement miss Saigyouji on the atmosphere and invite her to visit heaven sometime, the Celestials could learn a thing or two about landscaping and decorating...

> "In heaven we can decorate our gardens with any trees provided they start with "Pea' and end in 'ches'!"

>"Ah yes, I remember from my short time in your slice of Heaven. It's a shame, really. The Landscape and view of Heaven would be incredibly wonderful if it was diversified just a bit."
>"Though you shouldn't extend a visit to me so frivolously. You know what they say about dining with the dead
She's most likely teasing you with that.

> Inspect the pink bottle while awaiting an explanation.

>You look at the bottle, the liquid inside is slightly pink but mostly clear. And the nozzle seems to made to spray a mist outwards. You sniff it, and it smells like the Cherry Blossoms from outside.
>"It's a perfume. I don't want to be rude, but... you smell. Most likely due to your perspiration. This perfume should help ward off the 'Stench of Death'."
>How ironic that a ghost, and the Lady of Hakugyokurou at that, is giving you something to help with your deathly stench.
>But did she just have this prepared for you this whole time?
Sara's Audio-Visual Import-Overflow Retail / Re: Touhou Visual Novels
« Last post by SeroVich on Today at 05:03:45 AM »
Maybe how about make a Touhou VN by ourselves? Sure, it might be tough, especially with an insane medium like Visual Novel; but the reward will be worth it.
Sorry my dude, but I usually just skip anything you write because it gives me a headache to read, lol.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Shingyoku Quest - Part 1
« Last post by Neovereign on Yesterday at 11:46:19 PM »
> "An excellent idea..."
> Locate ice fairy in question and challenge her to a duel!
> You leave the current fairies alone, not that any of them started going after you yet, and head for Misty Lake. Surely she'll be there, if not on the way.
> Sure enough, you do find Cirno at the destination.
> She appears to be building a structure of some sort near the nearby mansion. A spire, or maybe just a tower. Though, Sakuya is already confronting her.
> "Well it's not inside your gates. This is our lake anyways, you guys just came here afterwards." Cirno questions. "I didn't just make some Scarlet Devil Tower or something for you guys."
> "Are we going to have a problem in the end?" Sakuya questions.
> "It doesn't have to be. Will it be alright if we don't make a lot of noise?" Another fairy questions the maid.
> "Hm..." Sakuya considers.

> Now that you're close to others, you notice something strange about them coming into focus. It's like someone put glasses on you and you're seeing things that weren't there before.
> For Cirno, it feels like something mostly chilly and egotistical. You can notice similar things in Sakuya and the other fairy, though different for each...
Help Me, Eirin! / Re: Chill Touohu Fangames
« Last post by Mire on Yesterday at 09:08:22 PM »
I can recommend Lost Branch of Legend.

Price is killer, though.  Really should be about half of what it is.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Nitori Quest 2 - A Z-Machine Adventure
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Yesterday at 04:43:19 PM »
> "Sounds good. I'll take care of that next, then."

A(nte)S(criptum) : CAPS are balanced down but still PRESENT as READING-AID and CLARIFYING HIGHLIGHTS SUPPORT ,before any PROMPTED or NOT or BOTH FURTHER EDITS alongside from here thie post my 2 because of ""the eventual"" OVER-DETAILING and LONG WALL O' TEXT.

(- I do apologise for having to Double-post bu thankfully "with the smallest quote possibile".
It Is motivated by reason plus justification this Is a "Nicer Exchange "for' not hopefully having reason tò invade post paging )

(- Additionally ,Mine Quotes and quoting style of ... , "..." quoted marked text ,First-Letter Turned-Caps,+-occasionally Particular Adaptions of Signs,SOMETIMES CAPS... Is for' the improving saie  to Aid & Clarify & Highlight  "a particular explanations,passage,and so on  between " ... "are " again ADAPTRD for the better sake of clarity again".
Thus they KEEP FAITHFULLY to their true essence and meaning...yet the phrasing and synthax could be,and in this case are,VARIED JUST IN EXPRESSION STYLES  from their CANON Sources...yet with more  Hints,Inklings, Implications IF well-feasible enough  of course ...
they are brought to LIGHT while POINTED-OUT as Hints,etc.but...
SOMETIMES like previously up before they could circa("ITAlian lang. shorthand adverb for' more or less ' '' )are INCORPORATED IF well-feasible enough within the more straightforward and/or confirmed sections. )

-- The 2 Main Canon grouped-type sources according to my 1st post. (-"Ability) (-"Ability Manipulating time" )

... Others supposedly alike additions and complements :point:  :bigpower:  :extend:
Maribel is yukari confirmed
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