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Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Today at 11:17:43 PM »
> How large is her chest? (Don't stare or make a show of looking.)
> Recover our balance with a neutral face of displeasure.
> "What's the hurry?"
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Tom on Today at 10:46:35 PM »
> Does the green-haired shrine maiden seem apologetic at all, or even like she noticed us?
> She seems to have been distracted and is just realizing what happened.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Today at 08:35:20 PM »
> Does the green-haired shrine maiden seem apologetic at all, or even like she noticed us?
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Tom on Today at 02:13:26 PM »
> Point toward the moving crowd.
> "That looks promising."
> Check out what's going on in that direction!
> You follow them to the central plaza and find a large crowd gathered around what appears to be a golden statue in the center of the plaza! Not only that, almost everyone who attended the Hakurei Shrine Full Moon festival appears to be present here as well, along with some new faces. You can't seem to get a good glimpse of the statue due to everyone crowding around it, with the shrine maiden and two others at the center inspecting it closely.
> As you try standing on your toes to get a better glimpse the green haired shrine maiden walks into you absentmindedly, almost making you fall. Shinmyoumaru jumps from your shoulder and summons a small dish to float on before shouting "Watch where you're going!"
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 8
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Today at 02:14:38 AM »
> "Huh? Which one?"
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Neo Gensokyo Quest - Part 8
« Last post by Neovereign on Today at 01:59:43 AM »
> "Might as well. Wanna check on Ami again while we wait, to see how she's doing?"
> Maybe we weren't specific enough? Give Hatate a wind order to grow her chest to twice its current size.
> "I'll try." Hatate agrees.
> You try again while Hatate does her thing. Again, nothing seems to get in the way, but nothing happens, either...
> "looks like she's headed for the village? And uh, I think one of us is there? Maybe?" Hatate sounds really confused.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Today at 01:46:17 AM »
> Point toward the moving crowd.
> "That looks promising."
> Check out what's going on in that direction!
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Tom on Yesterday at 10:05:58 PM »
> Is there any sign of where Reimu wound up?
> Not at first glance.

> Is there any sign of unusual activity?
> While the majority of townsfolk appear to be busy with tending to their shops or trades, a small crowd appears to be heading towards the central plaza.
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Kilgamayan on Yesterday at 09:57:44 PM »
> Is there any sign of where Reimu wound up?
> Is there any sign of unusual activity?
Rumia's Party Games / Re: Seija Quest 4
« Last post by Tom on Yesterday at 09:15:11 PM »
> "On towards the village."
> On towards the village!
> Half an hour later you arrive at the village!
> The princess asks "Which part should we visit first?"
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