Author Topic: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish  (Read 712832 times)

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #750 on: February 27, 2021, 06:24:24 AM »
>"Are they the ones that fixed your hand?"

>"The green haired lady that was helping you earlier, is she a yokai or a ghost?"

>"What is it if it isn't a curse?"


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #751 on: February 27, 2021, 12:46:56 PM »
>"...So which one of them is that?"
>Cautiously attempt to manifest as a tiny version ourselves, small enough to sit in the palm of someone's hand, floating in front of Ruukoto. Turn back into darkness (But do not leave) if the bird makes any hostile movement towards us.
>"Also would you mind if we headed someplace else. Just in case they come back while we're talking?"

>"Alright. I don't really have experience tracking spirits, but I'll try my best Miss Reimu!"
>Create a body the same size as what Scout is in our hand, codename: Pocket.
>"I'll leave this here so I can update you if I find anything. Or in case you want to talk to me while I do this, whatever works for you."

>Float in the vicinity of Reimu.

>So the rock stayed with us as we turned into darkness, only leaving us once it made contact with the ground?
>Observe the butterfly for any abnormal behavior during its recovery, just in case we accidentally created a soulless zombie insect or something.
>Cat status.

//Can't think of anything for Prime this turn so I'll leave that to you guys.
> Prime
> Look at Marisa then at the mysterious group
> "I-is there's something we can help with? We want this incident resolved as much as you do"
>"Are they the ones that fixed your hand?"

>"The green haired lady that was helping you earlier, is she a yokai or a ghost?"

>"What is it if it isn't a curse?"
> "The man and woman. And yes, I would mind. I will already be in trouble for not returning when possible to, like now. The longer we chat, the more that'll be, so I'll try to answer your questions without ambiguity.
> "No, they didn't fix me." Ruukoto answers.

> You create another body out of darkness.
> Only for it to fade away, as if burned out by the sunlight.
> "Helping me earlier? When?"

> "A strange... anomaly?" The woman shrugs. "I guess that's a word for it. Let's try forcing our way in. Separately." The woman dives in, actually making it quite deep... Even getting far enough that you can't see her anymore.
> "Eh? So you can force your way in too?" Marisa questions.
> "I highly discourage such." The man replies. "This is not something you want to experience."
> The horned woman reappears at the man's side.
> "Took you long enough." She dusts herself off. "Can we take a break?"
> "We should relay news to them first." The man speaks.
> "Figured out something already?" Marisa questions further.

> You aren't sure. It was either that, or it fell immediately. Your darkness travel isn't exactly slow.
> You haven't watched butterflies much, so you think this is normal...?
> The cat is walking on it's four limbs like cats usually do, oblivious to you tailing it. You don't know where it's headed, but you're sure it won't be a waste of time to find out. Whether it ends up good or bad for you is still in the air.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #752 on: February 27, 2021, 05:48:08 PM »
>"When would be a good time to visit so I don't get you into trouble?"

>"Shortly before you woke up.  She blasted me thinking I was a yokai that was going to attack you. After showing concern for you, she told me you were going to be OK then vanished into the ground."

>Do we think our tailing shadow could hide in the cat's fur without being seen?

>Did we notice any boulders underground?


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #753 on: February 27, 2021, 09:21:32 PM »
>"So they didn't hurt you but they're forcing you to stay?"
>Feel guilty
>"Ruukoto, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault..."

>wonder if it failed because this body has low darkness density to begin with.

>Attempt to create Pocket in the ground beneath us and send it to Hakurei. If successful have both bodies perform failed actions that would've been executed if pocket was successfully created last turn.
>Attempt to assess the density of all our active bodies.
>Do we have any bodies or blobs that are idle?

>Maybe a different perspective will provide some answers?
>Create a sub-body and repeat the rock experiment using it. Observe what happens to the rock.
>Reabsorb the body when the experiment concludes.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #754 on: February 28, 2021, 12:43:22 AM »
>"When would be a good time to visit so I don't get you into trouble?"

>"Shortly before you woke up.  She blasted me thinking I was a yokai that was going to attack you. After showing concern for you, she told me you were going to be OK then vanished into the ground."

>Do we think our tailing shadow could hide in the cat's fur without being seen?

>Did we notice any boulders underground?
>"So they didn't hurt you but they're forcing you to stay?"
>Feel guilty
>"Ruukoto, I'm so sorry, this is all my fault..."

>wonder if it failed because this body has low darkness density to begin with.

>Attempt to create Pocket in the ground beneath us and send it to Hakurei. If successful have both bodies perform failed actions that would've been executed if pocket was successfully created last turn.
>Attempt to assess the density of all our active bodies.
>Do we have any bodies or blobs that are idle?

>Maybe a different perspective will provide some answers?
>Create a sub-body and repeat the rock experiment using it. Observe what happens to the rock.
>Reabsorb the body when the experiment concludes.
> "No, not them. My creator and their friends. I don't know of any good times yet."

> "Uh... huh..." Reimu seems skeptical.

> You try again, but it doesn't get far before the same happens to it.
> "Yes, but it's a bit hard to explain properly." The woman complains.
> "Lay it on me." Marisa suggests.
> "It feels as though time is moving slower in the forest." The man explains. "Even if you could communicate with and bring someone back like how we did, it'd still take long for them to return. That's not even considering how long it would take to try and stop whatever this is."
> "It almost sounds like we're the only ones who can do this." The woman chuckles. "But surely this world has other capable beings. That shrine maiden probably isn't one, though."
> "It'd be a problem if she actually went inside."
> "How did you get her out, then?" Marisa questions.
> "We're sealed together, so to speak. You could call us one person, and you wouldn't exactly be wrong."

> You could probably hide in it's fur.
> You haven't noticed any.
> You try again, this time making another body to watch.
> The travel method seems smaller, but gets back to normal as the other body fails to stay intact after a few moments.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #755 on: February 28, 2021, 12:58:55 AM »
>List all blobs and bodies, include unnamed ones like the one tailing the cat.

>"I mean, are your creator and friends away from here?"
>Gesture to the ruins.
>"I mean, if they are and you started walking back to them it would still be going away from here."

>Try again but with a blob using twice the darkness of what we just attempted.
>>If successful resume actions that failed because of the failed attempts.
>"S-So uh... in theory I should be able to do the same thing if I created another body and tried to force it in? Or would that be different than what you just tried?"

>Did our observation body dissipate like the attempts to make the pocket body or does "failing to stay intact" mean we reabsorbed it in this instance?
>Has the butterfly flown off?
>Cat status.

//So basically I have a few theories as to why we aren't creating the pocket body.
1. We aren't using enough.
2. Shingyoku is actively interfering with our ability to create more bodies considering they're next to our main body right now.
3. We've reached our limit (Which would be five (Hakurei, Scout, Contingency, Prime, and unnamed cat blob) unless we have random leftover bits unaccounted for or sitting idle.)
« Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 01:04:29 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »

Branneg Xy

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #756 on: February 28, 2021, 01:09:05 AM »
//Ruukoto's Creator AND HER FRIENDS? //

//...This means said group does nor consist simply of Yumemi&Chiyuri but  possibly also of Rika or Rikako and even all 4 of them//

> To Ruukoto :"Well then, if they are awaiting your return or are going to pick you up here, we can go or stay the whole way together ,or part of it if the whole of it is untoward,right now."

> Follow or stay by Ruukoto.

>Ask Ruukoto anyways:" By the way,since you are in the Hakurei Shrine's Sorroundings,have you seen a Green-Haired,Blue Garb&Hat, Staff-Wielding Spirit and where she went?"


>"Alright. I don't really have experience tracking spirits, but I'll try my best Miss Reimu!"

> Add this for Reimu:" For better tracking her I can describe her as a Green-Haired,Blue Garb&Hat, Staff-Wielding Spirit,fairly impatient to know what happened to you and in dismissing me as well"
« Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 01:13:05 AM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #757 on: February 28, 2021, 01:21:47 AM »
//Ruukoto's Creator AND HER FRIENDS? //

//...This means said group does nor consist simply of Yumemi&Chiyuri but  possibly also of Rika or Rikako and even all 4 of them//

> To Ruukoto :"Well then, if they are awaiting your return or are going to pick you up here, we can go or stay the whole way together ,or part of it if the whole of it is untoward,right now."

> Follow or stay by Ruukoto.
>Don't do this
//I want to see her answer first before offering to escort her home. Asking her if she's seen mima is fine though.

> Add this for Reimu:" For better tracking her I can describe her as a Green-Haired,Blue Garb&Hat, Staff-Wielding Spirit,fairly impatient to know what happened to you and in dismissing me as well"
>Or this
//We literally just told her about what we saw. Plus that quoted post was from 2 parses ago.

Branneg Xy

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #758 on: February 28, 2021, 01:36:50 AM »
// But Reimu "showed" she is needing more description to "identify"her so we can ask her first if 1 would help her in doing so and then proceeding with the (hopefully helpful)description// 

> "Uh... huh..." Reimu seems skeptical.


>If the next  appearance's description does not match what we saw,replace it with one describing  the Sticking-Out Details of the Look of the " Hakurei Shrine Nearby Hiding Spirit"

> To Reimu :"To better help,I can describe her as a Green-Haired,Blue Garb&Hat, Staff-Wielding Spirit, besides being concerned with your well-being and,once it was ensured, vanishing through the floor...she should be that Powerful Spirit Hiding near the Shrine the "Dual Person-Woman" told us she sensed before ."
« Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 03:12:21 AM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #759 on: February 28, 2021, 02:06:00 AM »
// But Reimu "showed" she is needing more description to "identify"her so we can ask her first if 1 would help her in doing so and then proceeding with the (hopefully helpful)description// 

> To Reimu :"I can describe her as a Green-Haired,Blue Garb&Hat, Staff-Wielding Spirit, besides being concerned with your well-being and vanishing through the floor...that should be why the "dual person" said they sensesd here inside the Shrine."
>Omit the last sentence of this. (the part after the ellipses)
//In-character we do not know for sure, so let's not say that she is what they sensed (no matter how correct that may be) until we have more conclusive evidence.

Branneg Xy

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #760 on: February 28, 2021, 02:43:37 AM »
// However Shingyoku did mention that particular both in front of Rumia and Reimu so we are coherent in mentioning it;nevertheless some correction on my latest post is needed //
> "A curse stopping people from getting into a forest." Reimu explains.
> "We can handle that for you. We'd like to speak with you first, though." The man requests.
> "Can you?" Reimu raises an eyebrow in doubt.
> "Alongside this youkai being here and far from here at the same time, there's a powerful spirit hiding near your shrine."

// It is likely Mima,or a lookalike ,is "hiding" in the "Hakurei Shrine's Basement",also accessible through the "Marked Hole" ,or it is a passage leading to a nearby location//

// Down there,besides maybe a visit from the Tree Fairies of Light ,Clownpiece and her "Torch of Madness" could be encountered and.we must be careful  to not let Rumia or anyone else gaze into it

//...maybe Unsealed!Rumia could be able to wrap a "Security Darkness Blanket" close around to it or at least set-up  " Mobile (?)Darkness Covers"//
« Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 03:14:20 AM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #761 on: February 28, 2021, 02:53:16 AM »
>Have the blob discreetly hide in the cat's fur

>Send our shadow into the Earth to look for large stones
>Any large stones bring to the surface via eat and regurgitate


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #762 on: February 28, 2021, 02:56:24 AM »
// However Shingyoku did. mention that particular both in front of Rumia and Reimu so we are coherent in mentioning it;nevertheless some correction on my latest post is needed //
//I'm not saying that they didn't mention it. I'm still saying that we shouldn't outright assume Mima is who they sensed (even though from a meta standpoint it's likely correct) until we know for sure. Whose to say there isn't some other unseen ghost in the area after all?

>Send our shadow into the Earth to look for large stones
>Any large stones bring to the surface via eat and regurgitate
//Er... why? You do realize this will likely make Rumia feel sick, right? Considering the reaction she had to debris on the shrine path, which isn't nearly as massive as a boulder.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #763 on: February 28, 2021, 02:59:57 AM »
//To make a house here.  The stone is to be the foundation

Branneg Xy

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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #764 on: February 28, 2021, 03:03:17 AM »
//I'm not saying that they didn't mention it. I'm still saying that we shouldn't outright assume Mima is who they sensed (even though from a meta standpoint it's likely correct) until we know for sure. Whose to say there isn't some other unseen ghost in the area after all?
//Er... why? You do realize this will likely make Rumia feel sick, right? Considering the reaction she had to debris on the shrine path, which isn't nearly as massive as a boulder.

// Of course,thanks,so I shall correct my post in specifying if that description fits her.

// (Repeated)It is likely Mima,or a lookalike,is "hiding" in the "Hakurei Shrine's Basement",also accessible through the "Marked Hole" ,or it is a passage leading to a nearby location//

// Down there,besides maybe a visit from the Tree Fairies of Light ,Clownpiece and her "Torch of Madness" could be encountered and we must be careful  to not let Rumia or anyone else gaze into it...//

//...maybe,and testing before that is needed, Unsealed!Rumia could be able to  " Darkness Snuff Out-Blanket" close around to it or at least to set-up  " Mobile (?)Darkness Covers"//
« Last Edit: February 28, 2021, 03:17:34 AM by Branneg Xy »
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #765 on: February 28, 2021, 03:53:20 AM »
//To make a house here.  The stone is to be the foundation
//Surely there are better ways to do this. Besides, we might destabilize the ground if this somehow succeeds but we end up taking something load bearing.
//Additionally, we don't know if the ill effects of consuming inorganic material will extend to all our bodies at once or not, which could be bad if the main body shows a reaction from this in front of Shingyoku.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #766 on: February 28, 2021, 04:04:52 AM »
>List all blobs and bodies, include unnamed ones like the one tailing the cat.

>"I mean, are your creator and friends away from here?"
>Gesture to the ruins.
>"I mean, if they are and you started walking back to them it would still be going away from here."

>Try again but with a blob using twice the darkness of what we just attempted.
>>If successful resume actions that failed because of the failed attempts.
>"S-So uh... in theory I should be able to do the same thing if I created another body and tried to force it in? Or would that be different than what you just tried?"

>Did our observation body dissipate like the attempts to make the pocket body or does "failing to stay intact" mean we reabsorbed it in this instance?
>Has the butterfly flown off?
>Cat status.

//So basically I have a few theories as to why we aren't creating the pocket body.
1. We aren't using enough.
2. Shingyoku is actively interfering with our ability to create more bodies considering they're next to our main body right now.
3. We've reached our limit (Which would be five (Hakurei, Scout, Contingency, Prime, and unnamed cat blob) unless we have random leftover bits unaccounted for or sitting idle.)
//Ruukoto's Creator AND HER FRIENDS? //

//...This means said group does nor consist simply of Yumemi&Chiyuri but  possibly also of Rika or Rikako and even all 4 of them//

> To Ruukoto :"Well then, if they are awaiting your return or are going to pick you up here, we can go or stay the whole way together ,or part of it if the whole of it is untoward,right now."

> Follow or stay by Ruukoto.

>Ask Ruukoto anyways:" By the way,since you are in the Hakurei Shrine's Sorroundings,have you seen a Green-Haired,Blue Garb&Hat, Staff-Wielding Spirit and where she went?"

> Add this for Reimu:" For better tracking her I can describe her as a Green-Haired,Blue Garb&Hat, Staff-Wielding Spirit,fairly impatient to know what happened to you and in dismissing me as well"
>Have the blob discreetly hide in the cat's fur

>Send our shadow into the Earth to look for large stones
>Any large stones bring to the surface via eat and regurgitate
>Omit the last sentence of this. (the part after the ellipses)
//In-character we do not know for sure, so let's not say that she is what they sensed (no matter how correct that may be) until we have more conclusive evidence.
> You take the time to remember where you are and what you're doing.
> "Scout" was with Ruukoto near the ruins.
> "Prime" was with Marisa and the horned woman and accompanying man near the Bamboo Forest of the Lost.
> "Hakurei" was with Reimu at the Hakurei Shrine.
> "Contingency" was in the direction opposite of the Hakurei Shrine, at a plain area.
> Another of yourself was following a plain cat near the plain area. Or, far, by now.
> You feel really hungry. There was also a bit of strange background noise as you recounted yourselves...

> "It's not someplace you can be." Ruukoto answers. "So I can't take you there. And no, I haven't seen such a person."

> "Well whatever. Just get to it." Reimu speaks.

> You try again, using more of your darkness this time.
> It finally works. With such, you have it head to Reimu at the shrine with the usual travel method.
> "You could probably achieve what we achieved, if you can get in." The man speaks. "But I still advise against it."
> "Nah, feel free to give it a try. Prove us wrong, that you can handle such a thing." The woman encourages. "That what we thought before was just a bad set of circumstances."
> "Are you trying to get her killed?" The man questions.
> "No. You know I'd rather kill someone myself than let them be killed. She'll be fine if I'm mistaken."
> "You non humans have it easy huh..." Marisa remarks.
> "Hey, he's human too. Kinda." The woman argues.

> The cat has made a bit of distance in your following. When did you start going the wrong direction? At least it's hardly any distance.
> You close in on the cat and hide within it's fur.

> The former.
> The butterfly is gone.
> You try to send more darkness into the ground, but it goes like the previous failed attempts.

> Hungry is an understatement. You're starving. Maybe rocks wouldn't be too bad.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #767 on: February 28, 2021, 04:29:28 AM »
>"Can I at least escort you for part of the way then? I just want to make sure you're safe..."

>Perhaps now would be a good time to hunt.
>Start searching the area for something to eat, use our senses to help. Priority should be as follows:
>>Game, like deer or boar
>>If we can't find any, than smaller animals like squirrels, mice, or rabbits.
>>As a last resort: Insects, snails, slugs and spiders.
>Once we find something suitable, consume it.
>Exclude cats and dogs from potential prey items.
>If we happen to find lost human all the way our here, do not eat them, but instead approach in our smol form, greet them, and politely ask for food.

>"I'm on it."
>Turn into darkness for faster movement and begin searching the shrine grounds for signs of the spirit woman. If we come across any ants or beetles on the ground as we travel, absorb them.

>Stomach growl.
>"...Ehe... I just realized I haven't eaten a thing since I was unsealed... Um... anyway I suppose I could give it a try. Though exactly why wouldn't you recommend it? Did it take a huge amount of effort to get her out?"

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #768 on: February 28, 2021, 06:42:57 AM »
>Wait until we get something in our belly before turning into darkness
>Look around on foot until we get food

>Glance around for any bamboo shoots or bamboo stalks we can get to
->If we see any, eat them but if we can choose go for the shoots


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #769 on: February 28, 2021, 09:04:26 AM »
// Umm I'm afraid splitting Rumia into a hundred tiny pieces really runs down her hunger fast (it was mentioned right after recount), so why don't we try to coalesce into the 3 forms we need the most: Prime (well duh), Contingency ( for experiments), Hakurei (to search for spirit)
// I swear Rumia is going to end up with multiple personalities if we don't use splits more conservatively.

> If Ruukoto declines wish our farewells for now and dispel


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #770 on: February 28, 2021, 10:05:31 AM »
// Umm I'm afraid splitting Rumia into a hundred tiny pieces really runs down her hunger fast (it was mentioned right after recount), so why don't we try to coalesce into the 3 forms we need the most: Prime (well duh), Contingency ( for experiments), Hakurei (to search for spirit)
// I swear Rumia is going to end up with multiple personalities if we don't use splits more conservatively.

> If Ruukoto declines wish our farewells for now and dispel
>If she declines, hold off on dispelling for one parse.

//I'm fine with dispelling Scout if we must say goodbye, but I want to actually say our goodbyes to her rather than leave it vague and up to QM interpretation, because that's asking for problems.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #771 on: February 28, 2021, 10:58:01 PM »
// Okay then hold that one off but we should also dispel the one on the cat its lead us nowhere productive and just takes up energy

> If the orb on the cat leads to nothing useful dispel it


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #772 on: March 01, 2021, 12:07:33 AM »
// Okay then hold that one off but we should also dispel the one on the cat its lead us nowhere productive and just takes up energy

> If the orb on the cat leads to nothing useful dispel it
>Not yet.

//It might be one of the Mayohiga cats, so I want to see where it goes. Plus as a small formless mass it's going to be less expensive to maintain than a larger body would be anyway.
//Besides I have a body focusing on food collection right now, with Hakurei supplementing, so ideally we should be resolving our energy crisis within a few posts. (Which reminds me, just in case Phil's amendment overrides the food collection...)

>If we must look on foot, still try to absorb any ants or beetles through our feet or shadow or something.

//Anyway if we still have an energy crisis after a few posts and the cat hasn't led us anywhere by then I'll be willing to dispose of the blob.


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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #773 on: March 01, 2021, 01:45:11 AM »
>"Can I at least escort you for part of the way then? I just want to make sure you're safe..."

>Perhaps now would be a good time to hunt.
>Start searching the area for something to eat, use our senses to help. Priority should be as follows:
>>Game, like deer or boar
>>If we can't find any, than smaller animals like squirrels, mice, or rabbits.
>>As a last resort: Insects, snails, slugs and spiders.
>Once we find something suitable, consume it.
>Exclude cats and dogs from potential prey items.
>If we happen to find lost human all the way our here, do not eat them, but instead approach in our smol form, greet them, and politely ask for food.

>"I'm on it."
>Turn into darkness for faster movement and begin searching the shrine grounds for signs of the spirit woman. If we come across any ants or beetles on the ground as we travel, absorb them.

>Stomach growl.
>"...Ehe... I just realized I haven't eaten a thing since I was unsealed... Um... anyway I suppose I could give it a try. Though exactly why wouldn't you recommend it? Did it take a huge amount of effort to get her out?"
>Wait until we get something in our belly before turning into darkness
>Look around on foot until we get food

>Glance around for any bamboo shoots or bamboo stalks we can get to
->If we see any, eat them but if we can choose go for the shoots
>If she declines, hold off on dispelling for one parse.

//I'm fine with dispelling Scout if we must say goodbye, but I want to actually say our goodbyes to her rather than leave it vague and up to QM interpretation, because that's asking for problems.
// Okay then hold that one off but we should also dispel the one on the cat its lead us nowhere productive and just takes up energy

> If the orb on the cat leads to nothing useful dispel it
>Not yet.

//It might be one of the Mayohiga cats, so I want to see where it goes. Plus as a small formless mass it's going to be less expensive to maintain than a larger body would be anyway.
//Besides I have a body focusing on food collection right now, with Hakurei supplementing, so ideally we should be resolving our energy crisis within a few posts. (Which reminds me, just in case Phil's amendment overrides the food collection...)

>If we must look on foot, still try to absorb any ants or beetles through our feet or shadow or something.

//Anyway if we still have an energy crisis after a few posts and the cat hasn't led us anywhere by then I'll be willing to dispose of the blob.
> "I'm fine on my own."

> You start seeking out whatever can be found in this plain, which is, not very much, if anything. It's almost as if the denizens of this world don't want to go by the barrier.

> You start searching the shrine grounds, still hungry...

> "No. The bigger problem is the difference in perspectives. I still wouldn't suggest it." The man speaks.
> They're teasingly out of range...

> Even with consuming the small creatures along your way, you still feel like you're only getting hungrier.


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #774 on: March 01, 2021, 02:10:59 AM »
>"I-If you really say so... Well then, please stay safe, and I hope we can meet again under better circumstances. Again, I'm sorry about what happened."
>Let her reply if she wants, if there's no further prompting to speak on our end by her response, say a final goodbye and head back to Prime for re-absorbtion.

>Are there any edible mushrooms around?
>If Scout returns to us, do we feel less hungry after reabsorbing it?

>Continue to search for game and snack on bugs and small rodents in the meantime.
>Does our cat blob see or smell any potential prey around the cat (which should be farther from the barrier than we are at this point)? Not counting the cat itself?

« Last Edit: March 01, 2021, 02:22:04 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • *
Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #775 on: March 01, 2021, 02:26:31 AM »
// Rumia is only getting hungrier... Didn't figure eating insects would do anything, Rumia is known for liking meat.
// If nothing happens with the cat blob in 2 turns I'm dispelling again

> "Ah alright then. I'll have to say farewell for now, Reimu needs help investigating some incidents."
> Dispel


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #776 on: March 01, 2021, 02:39:25 AM »
Rumia is known for liking meat.
//I am aware. Still better than nothing, and to be fair they were meant to be a stopgap until we found actual meat anyway.

//Also technically speaking insects ARE meat.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #777 on: March 01, 2021, 03:15:59 AM »
//What if it is just maintaining the bodies that's making us hungry?

>Try laying down and closing our eyes
>Does this help any?

>Did we ever split into multiple bodies before and if so what did we learn

>"I think I understand."
>Prime float to the nearby trees and begin an unholy feast on the leaves


  • Seg Fault
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Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #778 on: March 01, 2021, 05:53:13 AM »
>Prime float to the nearby trees and begin an unholy feast on the leaves
>Do not.
//We have an entity that thinks we're dangerous nearby, I don't think causing catastrophic damage to a tree in front of them is a good idea.

Re: Rumia Quest - Innocent Wish
« Reply #779 on: March 01, 2021, 06:59:02 AM »
//I do find the idea of them saying we're dangerous for eating leaves as hilarious.

>Eat some leaves