Author Topic: Making my own Touhou Inspired game.  (Read 18919 times)

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Making my own Touhou Inspired game.
« on: March 01, 2020, 03:19:43 AM »
Well, it's not set in Genoskyo, the setting is my own IP.  The gameplay will be a tweaked variant of Touhou Bullet Hell, with the use of a Hyper system (from DondonPatchi) and an Item Get mechanic by letting off the fire button (like in Raiden).

I'm using this project to learn how to code a video game in Java, and I'm about a quarter of the way through.  Right now I have a moveable background (a 2-D image for now; I want to have the background show that you're actually going toward a destination and look somewhat realistic) with the main character with two versions of firepower (spread and focused) and got a HUD working.   I want to get the Bad Guys in, form a script where I can include cut scenes and labels, find a way to set up multiple stages, and so on.

I've been looking for tutorials on game coding, and if anyone has any suggestions on a thorough coding tutorial...or better yet, are willing to help me out getting over the hurdles I'm tackling...please let me know.  I'll be very grateful for your help with this.

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
    • Steam
    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
  • Gender: Male
Re: Making my own Touhou Inspired game.
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2020, 05:46:22 PM »
Well, it's not set in Genoskyo, the setting is my own IP.  The gameplay will be a tweaked variant of Touhou Bullet Hell, with the use of a Hyper system (from DondonPatchi) and an Item Get mechanic by letting off the fire button (like in Raiden).

I'm using this project to learn how to code a video game in Java, and I'm about a quarter of the way through.  Right now I have a moveable background (a 2-D image for now; I want to have the background show that you're actually going toward a destination and look somewhat realistic) with the main character with two versions of firepower (spread and focused) and got a HUD working.   I want to get the Bad Guys in, form a script where I can include cut scenes and labels, find a way to set up multiple stages, and so on.

I've been looking for tutorials on game coding, and if anyone has any suggestions on a thorough coding tutorial...or better yet, are willing to help me out getting over the hurdles I'm tackling...please let me know.  I'll be very grateful for your help with this.

I am afraid I cannot help you technically be it directly or by intercession ...but I am encouraging you to keep us informed and increase visibility by keep posting  progress/updating/constructiveness/etc.,even by written resume by your own words since your Touhou-Inspired Game Project seems to be at (correct?) Intermediate Alpha Stage.

I am encouraging you even more to keep asking questions, seeking advices,improvement and collaboration,reasonably so without getting discouraged,shy or "silent",  through here MoTK,or starting off from here ( Tip: try to also look for and private message to  willing&active "Doujin" Game Designers&Artists&Co. MotK members from the previous ,now an Archive-Forum, on the right sections who "returned" or even those who did not  but could still be active&willing and may be contacted by their additional contact info they previously placed on their profiles  ) in order receive help  even when the time could still be one of relatively long patience and seemingly low-profile but with the outcome bearing fruits and not uselessness.

P.S. I mentioned "Doujin" but regarding that I would like to know,and to be let known for it is helpful, if the resourcers/standards/target-audience aimed for in this Project is Experimental,Doujin,Indie,Still to be Decided or...?

At least I can :) thank you kindly and wish you the best outcome :) for your dream&effort in progress.
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Re: Making my own Touhou Inspired game.
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2020, 08:29:21 PM »
I hope I could be able to network with other Doujin game makers here, if it means I can get the nudges in the right direction I need.

But let me start with offering the elevator pitch:  In some classic D&D like setting, there is your typical enchanted forest overseen by a benevolent witch.  The latest of which is Amber Merichello, a former classic cartoon fan from another world who ended up here and became the apprentice of the previous witch.  Inside this forest is a castle that is this world's equivalent of the Library of Congress, with some books opening up to other worlds.   Amber finds this castle and a series of books that open up to remixes of various well-known stories, the first being Snow White, which is retold as the game is played.  After several of these adventures (which will go through a series of games), a valuable treasure is revealed.

Gensokyo isn't mentioned in the main story, but there could be some guests with the Extra stages.  Like Yukari Yakumo dropping by and warning Amber that her little world is not that apart from Gensokyo.

Right now I'm using a good amount of existing Touhou assets--as well as maps made with RPG Maker as I construct the game--I'm attaching an example--but once I get a "Proof of Concept" version going, I can then move on to creating assets just for the game.  (Gotta learn how to make this with something, amirite?)