Author Topic: Are The PC-98 Games Really That Bad  (Read 1869 times)

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Are The PC-98 Games Really That Bad
« on: August 26, 2024, 06:36:39 AM »
So I have been getting into the series quite a bit and played through all 5 of the original PC-98 Gen games and have tried up to the 8th with IN but are the original 5 all that bad it feels wrong to say so just because of the hardware limitations there were so let me know your thoughts. Also Myon is awsome! :cirnotan:

Re: Are The PC-98 Games Really That Bad
« Reply #1 on: August 26, 2024, 01:13:39 PM »
I wouldn't say that they are bad, but outdates. you can't really compare some 30 year old games with the games that came out last year.

Re: Are The PC-98 Games Really That Bad
« Reply #2 on: August 27, 2024, 05:05:16 AM »
That makes sense considering the nature of development and advancements made being just that substantial but I guess that I should have phrased the question better and more as a why do the games receive a bad reputation in the first place.


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Re: Are The PC-98 Games Really That Bad
« Reply #3 on: August 27, 2024, 07:12:47 AM »
They are jank and worse than the Windows games, but they aren't really that bad, per se.

Even more so if you consider the era in which they were developed and that they were basically student projects, LLS and MS are actually pretty amazing games.

Re: Are The PC-98 Games Really That Bad
« Reply #4 on: August 27, 2024, 07:20:36 PM »
They are jank and worse than the Windows games, but they aren't really that bad, per se.

Even more so if you consider the era in which they were developed and that they were basically student projects, LLS and MS are actually pretty amazing games.

Yeah that seems to align with my experiences with them and when comparing it to the problems that they have they are still just a stepping stone that needed to take place to get to where we are now.

Re: Are The PC-98 Games Really That Bad
« Reply #5 on: August 27, 2024, 08:37:00 PM »
The PC-98 games are fine. If you're looking to get into Touhou then they're probably not the best choice because they don't properly reflect the vibe of the franchise which is why most people don't start with them in the first place. And as mentioned before, they're kinda janky and theres also accessibility. You have to either get a pc-98 with a legal copy or find it online and emulate it which is much more inconvenient for people than just going on steam.

But theres still a lot of people that like the games and sometimes even consider them better than the newer ones. There's some charm in them especially if you're into pc-98 games. I've had some fun myself with LLS and PoDD.

Re: Are The PC-98 Games Really That Bad
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2024, 04:05:23 AM »
I've been a PC-98 apologist for about as long as I've been in the fandom, but objectively speaking I think what you get out of the games depends on what you expect from them. HRtP is definitely the most opaque and inaccessible game in the series, but I legitimately do think it's fun to play now and again once you learn all its systems. And while I only ever 1cc'd PoDD on lunatic once, I personally think it's a superior game to PoFV. LLS has a very pleasing vibe that I still love to this day despite its occasional nightmare design with rank, and Mystic Square is more or less equal with the Windows games in my opinion. It's only SoEW that I would call a mediocre game, but even then it's a worthwhile experience to see where the series evolved from.

They certainly are not a recommended starting point for the series, but I think a playthrough of the series would be missing something without them. Plus, the music is still some of the series' best, at least in my opinion. Every era of music has lots to offer, but there's a uniqueness to PC-98's vibe that could only exist in the series' earliest years.