Author Topic: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)  (Read 63734 times)

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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #150 on: April 25, 2024, 10:25:29 AM »
> Where are our manners? Introduce ourselves!
> "Tenshi Hinanawi, Eldest Daughter of the Hinanawi Clan."
> Complement miss Saigyouji "The concert sure was wonderful..."

>Yuyuko smiles. "Thank you for the compliment, but you should really be giving your praises to the Prismriver Sisters. I didn't even organise it, they did that themselves!"

> Adopt pensive expression "Though more solemn business brought me here, you could say it's a matter of life and death..."

 >Yuyuko's expression becomes slightly more dour."Oh."

> Ensure we're out of earshot of Komachi before elaborating further "Earlier today we had a run in with two Shinigami claiming that my time here as a Celestial is nearly up.  We just barely managed to defeat them and learn that an order has been issued high up in the ministry to hunt me down.  No doubt more Shinigami will be sent, which brings me here asking for your house's assistance in training to fend them off for as long as possible."
> Glance back at our friends "C-can't bear the thought of leaving Shion and Shinmyoumaru alone..."

>"Hmm. Youmu, your thoughts?"
>"...I can do it. Although I am in training myself, I believe I still have some things to teach Tenshi."
>"I was thinking more about how the Celestial is prolonging the inevitable."
>"My Lady..."
>Yuyuko's face perks up. "But she has such a romantic and noble reason for doing so. I can't possibly deny her!"
>"Good to see we are on the same page."

>"I do have to ask you for a favour first."

>Oh boy, errands.
>"Usually I would be taking care of the Hakugyokurou's Garden at this time. Considering that you want your training as soon as possible as this is a matter of life and death, it would be in both our interests if you were to help me in the gardening.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2024, 10:28:56 AM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #151 on: April 25, 2024, 02:40:41 PM »
> "I would have never believed that a celestial such as myself would have to do gardening but this is situation of life and death....Alright, I'll do it. First let me go tell my friends first, where should we meet up? Do I need any gardening equipment?"

> It's kind of suspicious that Yuyuko would help us evade the Ministry of Right and Wrong considering she's in charge of the Netherworld.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #152 on: April 26, 2024, 05:53:20 AM »
> Thank miss Saigyouji and Youmu for offering their assistance at a dark time for a Celestial.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #153 on: April 28, 2024, 05:02:47 AM »
> "I would have never believed that a celestial such as myself would have to do gardening but this is situation of life and death....Alright, I'll do it. First let me go tell my friends first, where should we meet up? Do I need any gardening equipment?"

> It's kind of suspicious that Yuyuko would help us evade the Ministry of Right and Wrong considering she's in charge of the Netherworld.

>"No, you don't need to get any of your own equipment, because we keep plenty of our own. I'm sorry that this kind of work may seem degrading to you but in I usually do it in this window of time, so I can't shirk it, and the sooner it gets done, the sooner I can train you." She seems genuinely remorseful at that last sentence.
>"And we will meet up at the entrance of Hakugyokurou, up those stairs." She points to the endless-looking stairs that you saw when entering the Netherworld.
>You're going to have to climb those stairs?!
>"Good luck on your gardening! Hmm, maybe I should join in? It seems fun!"
>Taking care of an entire garden's worth of land seems fun to her? Though you've never tended to a garden before so what do you know, it might be fun.

>It is indeed suspicious that Yuyuko would help you in this circumstance considering that she should in all likeliness be on The Ministry's side. You do know that she's much more clever than she presents herself. So she likely knows something that you don't and is hiding it from you. Getting her to spill that information is probably going to be more effort than it's worth however.

> Thank miss Saigyouji and Youmu for offering their assistance at a dark time for a Celestial.

>Youmu smiles, albeit in slight embarassment. "Oh no, the pleasure is ours. Besides, I've heard that teaching things to beginners can be a good way of testing you have a good grasp on the fundamental aspects and concepts of an art."
>Your hand twitches a bit at you being called a beginner, but you understand where your swordsmanship stands in comparison to her's.
>"Everyone goes through dark times eventually, Celestial. We can only hope to alleviate some of the pain that comes with it through our help."
« Last Edit: April 28, 2024, 10:22:34 AM by WitheringFlowerCrown »


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #154 on: April 28, 2024, 10:59:16 AM »
// Saigyouji can probably tell more about Tenshi then she knows about herself (or is willing to admit to herself)
> Nod and follow Youmu, glancing back to see if miss Saigyouji will follow along.
> Would now be a good time to let our friends know we'll be out helping Youmu?  If so step over to where they're waiting and explain.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #155 on: April 28, 2024, 02:50:03 PM »
//We'll have to try to find a way to let Yuyuko tell us some information. Maybe a few bottles of alcohol might help our case but I'm not sure if Yuyuko, a ghost, can even get drunk.
> How good are we at drinking?

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #156 on: April 28, 2024, 10:44:33 PM »
// Saigyouji can probably tell more about Tenshi then she knows about herself (or is willing to admit to herself)
> Nod and follow Youmu, glancing back to see if miss Saigyouji will follow along.
> Would now be a good time to let our friends know we'll be out helping Youmu?  If so step over to where they're waiting and explain.

>Yes, this would be a good time to tell your friends about your impromptu errands.
>You go over to Shion and Shinmyoumaru while they're having a conversation.
>"...And there was a Dream version of Tenshi?"
>"Yes, she was probably the most terrifying to see and listen to. But... the experience really allowed me see into the hearts of others."
>"Oh hey, the real one is right there!"

>You tell Shion and Shinmyoumaru about the gardening you are soon going to do.
>Shinmyoumaru raises her brow in confusion. "Gardening? Didn't expect that, but we'll keep watch on the bottom of these stairs then. If any threats are coming after you they most likely have to go up the stairs."
>"It's also because she doesn't want to climb the stairs."
>"Shion! Shush!"

>You then leave and start your ascent of the staircase with Youmu. You really hope this will at least feel shorter than it is.
>You look behind you and see Yuyuko also following behind you both.

//We'll have to try to find a way to let Yuyuko tell us some information. Maybe a few bottles of alcohol might help our case but I'm not sure if Yuyuko, a ghost, can even get drunk.
> How good are we at drinking?

>You're pretty good at resisting drunkeness, that's for sure. When you were still Chiko (you don't like recalling these memories) you were often given alcohol, but only as a medicinal tonic and not for recreation. When you became Tenshi though, you quickly gained a rebellious streak and whenever you're invited to a party (this is extremely rare, unfortunately) you can outdrink several Youkai. You haven't tried against an Oni yet, Suika might be up for a challenge...
>Though you're unsure if your currently slightly weakened state might effect your usual resilience.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #157 on: April 29, 2024, 01:25:56 AM »
> I guess we'll have to actually climb the stairs.
> Head over to the stairs and begin our ascent and keep an eye on Yuyuko.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #158 on: May 01, 2024, 01:13:51 AM »
> Float is the more refined way to ascend for a Celeastial, climbing is for peasants!

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #159 on: May 01, 2024, 05:33:35 PM »
> I guess we'll have to actually climb the stairs.
> Head over to the stairs and begin our ascent and keep an eye on Yuyuko.

>You head over to climb the stairs but you realise...

> Float is the more refined way to ascend for a Celeastial, climbing is for peasants!

>Of course! What were you thinking?! Climbing, pfah!
>You go over to the stairs and summon a Keystone from right under you to ride. "Was that always there?"
>While rising up the stairs, you look behind you to keep an eye on Yuyuko. But you don't see her behind-
"Hi!" Bwah!
>She was right next to you on the Keystone! How did she sneak into hugging distance of you?!
"Does every member of the Hinanawi Family travel like this? This is pretty fun and relaxing!"

>You decide to look away from the disturbingly friendly and free-spirited... Spirit, by looking forward.
>Youmu, despite running and not flying, is somehow faster than you and is travelling at an inhuman pace.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #160 on: May 01, 2024, 07:09:54 PM »
> "They are pretty fun. These keystones are practically an all in one tool."
> Pick up the up the pace with our floating so we can catch up with Youmu.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #161 on: May 01, 2024, 11:41:01 PM »
> Tease Yuyuko "Get used to this, and it'll be hard to go back to walking!"

> When picking up the pace double check that miss Saigyouji hasn't been left behind!  For all we know she could just be pretending to ride on the keystone by floating above it with the same speed, being a ghost and all she might just phase through it otherwise.

Branneg Xy

    • Branneg Xy
    • Steam
    • (YOUTUBE by title;LINKEDIN by link)" FRA ALU BI Darcanix ")
  • Gender: Male
Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #162 on: May 02, 2024, 11:15:02 PM »
>Yes, this would be a good time to tell your friends about your impromptu errands.
>You go over to Shion and Shinmyoumaru while they're having a conversation.
>"...And there was a Dream version of Tenshi?"
>"Yes, she was probably the most terrifying to see and listen to. But... the experience really allowed me see into the hearts of others."
>"Oh hey, the real one is right there!"

>You tell Shion and Shinmyoumaru about the gardening you are soon going to do.
>Shinmyoumaru raises her brow in confusion. "Gardening? Didn't expect that, but we'll keep watch on the bottom of these stairs then. If any threats are coming after you they most likely have to go up the stairs."
>"It's also because she doesn't want to climb the stairs."
>"Shion! Shush!"

>You then leave and start your ascent of the staircase with Youmu. You really hope this will at least feel shorter than it is.
>You look behind you and see Yuyuko also following behind you both.

>You're pretty good at resisting drunkeness, that's for sure. When you were still Chiko (you don't like recalling these memories) you were often given alcohol, but only as a medicinal tonic and not for recreation. When you became Tenshi though, you quickly gained a rebellious streak and whenever you're invited to a party (this is extremely rare, unfortunately) you can outdrink several Youkai. You haven't tried against an Oni yet, Suika might be up for a challenge...
>Though you're unsure if your currently slightly weakened state might effect your usual resilience.

> What do we know personally or by second-hand accounts about " Dream Versions of people"?

> So at our usual "health" were we capable  of not only being at an even drinking contest with Tengu,2nd most alcohol enjoyer and resilient as a Youkai species,but also surpass them"? With how much "effort"?

> In any case keep in mind we are in a somewhat weaker state...and Yuyuko would likely see through a ploy like " merry-drunk slip-ups of info"...a better window of opportunity were Yuyuko seem and is more interested and pleased to somehow be usefully open about us...

>...and yet it is quite likely she is going to monitor what she is able  about our current state, eventual improvements,and sooner or later send a certain amount of info to The Ministry resulting us not having any relatively major secret for them..."how relatively major" is variable though since we are " still a mostly-trainee of Youmu and a mostly-guest of Yuyuko herself in Hakugyokurou".
1.+This Real Photo "... and the WORD became Flesh", had been shoot by a Modern-Time Desert Father(Desertic Catholic Christian Community Monk+Ascetic) during THE HOLIEST CONSECRATION-MASS:The HOLIEST FAMILY of NAZARETH ALWAYS MYSTICALLY EVER-PRESENT and with ALSO THE CRISTCHILD BLESSING- , in EVERY HOLIEST MASS-HOST CONSECRATION BY the Ordanied PRIEST(S).
3.Youtube Channel/half-collections/half-references :
" FRA ALU BI Darcanix "

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #163 on: May 03, 2024, 01:21:10 PM »
> "They are pretty fun. These keystones are practically an all in one tool."
> Pick up the up the pace with our floating so we can catch up with Youmu.
> Tease Yuyuko "Get used to this, and it'll be hard to go back to walking!"

> When picking up the pace double check that miss Saigyouji hasn't been left behind!  For all we know she could just be pretending to ride on the keystone by floating above it with the same speed, being a ghost and all she might just phase through it otherwise.

>You pick up the speed, you're practically going as fast as you can without using Scarlet Energy and Youmu is still faster. What do they feed this girl?
>"Woo! I can definitely see how you can't go back. I might slightly prefer flying myself, but just by a bit compared to this!"

> What do we know personally or by second-hand accounts about " Dream Versions of people"?

>You don't know much about Dream Versions of people, first or second-hand. You know you did accidentally meet with a Dream Version of Shinmyoumaru during the Perfect Possession phase of the Urban Legend Incident and she somehow switched places with Shinmy as your "Slave". She was not much different from regular Shinmy, other than being a bit more mean and willing to get into fights. She was also surprisingly honest.

> So at our usual "health" were we capable  of not only being at an even drinking contest with Tengu,2nd most alcohol enjoyer and resilient as a Youkai species,but also surpass them"? With how much "effort"?

>At the level of drinking you were at, it was less "effort" and more of your Celestial body keeping you healthy. It wasn't greatly enjoyable but you didn't vomit and you still had your wits about you. You're honestly a bit afraid your body might fail you since you're already sweating a lot despite not wanting to...

> In any case keep in mind we are in a somewhat weaker state...and Yuyuko would likely see through a ploy like " merry-drunk slip-ups of info"...a better window of opportunity were Yuyuko seem and is more interested and pleased to somehow be usefully open about us...

>...and yet it is quite likely she is going to monitor what she is able  about our current state, eventual improvements,and sooner or later send a certain amount of info to The Ministry resulting us not having any relatively major secret for them..."how relatively major" is variable though since we are " still a mostly-trainee of Youmu and a mostly-guest of Yuyuko herself in Hakugyokurou".

>Right, Yuyuko is very clever. And you have no idea if she can even get drunk now.

>Youmu, Yuyuko, and You travel as fast as possible up the stairs. After one more massive stride by Youmu, you're at the top of them and right at the entrance to Hakugyokurou.
>It looks stunning.
>The Cherry Blossoms cover the air in a glow perfect for flower-viewing. The few ghosts simply watch the gardens in peace, having no troubles. The Zen Gardens and Cherry Blossoms create an image that only an expert artist or poet could encapsulate. Does this image last eternity too? You wonder.

>Yuyuko gets off your Keystone and follows Youmu inside the Shrine.
>"We will be waiting for you inside. We need to give you your equipment before you start, of course."

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #164 on: May 03, 2024, 01:33:29 PM »
> "Alright"
> Head into shrine, but keep our eyes open, if we see anything suspicious, stop moving.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #165 on: May 04, 2024, 04:08:45 AM »
> Take a moment to enjoy the sights, we might not get many 'moments' more to enjoy depending on how this goes...

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #166 on: May 04, 2024, 01:59:12 PM »
> Take a moment to enjoy the sights, we might not get many 'moments' more to enjoy depending on how this goes...

>You bask in the scene for a moment. Just the atmosphere here feels good. You really wish that places like this were in Heaven. Though you just know that these beautiful gardens would just have peach trees instead, an annoying thought.

> "Alright"
> Head into shrine, but keep our eyes open, if we see anything suspicious, stop moving.

>You walk into the shrine, it's well-decorated considering its purpose. But a well-respected person lives here, so that's probably to be expected.
>>"I'm going into the other room to get our equipment, I'll only be a moment. Hopefully you two can keep each other company and not do anything strange."
>"I have no idea why she thinks we're going to break something or some other."
>"Anywho, welcome to my abode! A comfy place, is it not? Before you answer that, I have something to give you."

>Yuyuko moves over to a table and pulls a pink glass bottle with a small nozzle, then walks over and pushes it into your hands.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #167 on: May 04, 2024, 03:34:06 PM »
> Complement miss Saigyouji on the atmosphere and invite her to visit heaven sometime, the Celestials could learn a thing or two about landscaping and decorating...

> "In heaven we can decorate our gardens with any trees provided they start with "Pea' and end in 'ches'!"

> Inspect the pink bottle while awaiting an explanation.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #168 on: May 08, 2024, 12:11:46 PM »
> Complement miss Saigyouji on the atmosphere and invite her to visit heaven sometime, the Celestials could learn a thing or two about landscaping and decorating...

> "In heaven we can decorate our gardens with any trees provided they start with "Pea' and end in 'ches'!"

>"Ah yes, I remember from my short time in your slice of Heaven. It's a shame, really. The Landscape and view of Heaven would be incredibly wonderful if it was diversified just a bit."
>"Though you shouldn't extend a visit to me so frivolously. You know what they say about dining with the dead
She's most likely teasing you with that.

> Inspect the pink bottle while awaiting an explanation.

>You look at the bottle, the liquid inside is slightly pink but mostly clear. And the nozzle seems to made to spray a mist outwards. You sniff it, and it smells like the Cherry Blossoms from outside.
>"It's a perfume. I don't want to be rude, but... you smell. Most likely due to your perspiration. This perfume should help ward off the 'Stench of Death'."
>How ironic that a ghost, and the Lady of Hakugyokurou at that, is giving you something to help with your deathly stench.
>But did she just have this prepared for you this whole time?
« Last Edit: May 08, 2024, 02:52:49 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #169 on: May 08, 2024, 12:56:11 PM »
> "Thank you, now I don't have to go out of my way to find some perfume myself."

> Apply the perfume on ourselves and check our smell again afterwards.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #170 on: May 09, 2024, 12:24:32 AM »
> In response to her comment about 'dining with the dead' ask half seriously "Would I be invited to join your residence if I end up becoming one with the dead?"

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #171 on: May 09, 2024, 05:26:07 PM »
> "Thank you, now I don't have to go out of my way to find some perfume myself."

> Apply the perfume on ourselves and check our smell again afterwards.

>"Oh, it's no problem, really! Do tell me if it smells good or not, this is sort of a pet project of mine."
>You spray the perfume over your body. Spray and waft it over your clothes.
>It... completely covers your odour! You smell just like the Cherry Blossoms of Hakugyokurou, and feel so liberated! Like you could float out of this plane if you wanted to!

Perfumes and Scents: Covering the Stench of Death
Throughout your time being tutored and escaping Death, you may be given perfumes or other methods of covering your... pungent odour
These seem to do more than just cover your stench and make you feel good. They also seem to make certain actions and behaviours easier.
Whether this is pure placebo or supernatural in nature is your guess.
>Scent Obtained: Cherry Blossoms in the Wind.
>>Cherry Blossoms in the Wind: Increases the Speed of your movements, in the air and on the ground. This also seems to make you think faster, or at least make your decisions more incisive.

> In response to her comment about 'dining with the dead' ask half seriously "Would I be invited to join your residence if I end up becoming one with the dead?"

>"Oho, that's a dangerous question, my dear Celestial!" She says teasingly. "You are very interesting, and a very good guest, but I do think you would become bored of this place quite fast. There's also the question of what would happen to your soul if you were ever to become one of us. But if you're ever curious, I could use my ability on you. Think of it as an... open invitation~." She says that with a wink. She's definitely teasing you, but the fact that she could very well just end your life or call the Ministry weighs on your mind a bit.

>Youmu walks back into the room with a change of clothes for you, overalls, trowels, hoes, and rakes, along with spades and watering cans.
>"Are you ready? The gardens are large, prepare yourself." She speaks as if you're both going into combat.


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #172 on: May 09, 2024, 09:21:39 PM »
> Follow Youmu and help her with her gardening chores.

> Explain "I'm less worried about what I'd become and more about if I could stay here and still be with Shion and Shinmyoumaru in a way?  If nothing else ends up working out..."
« Last Edit: May 09, 2024, 09:24:16 PM by Tom »

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #173 on: May 10, 2024, 03:34:15 AM »
> Find somewhere private to change into the change of clothes before we go with Youmu.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #174 on: May 11, 2024, 12:17:57 PM »
> Explain "I'm less worried about what I'd become and more about if I could stay here and still be with Shion and Shinmyoumaru in a way?  If nothing else ends up working out..."

>"Normally that question would be easy to answer: No. But with the Border between Life and Death being in the state it is... Perhaps they would visit you every so often, if nothing else."

> Find somewhere private to change into the change of clothes before we go with Youmu.

>You squeeze past Youmu into the room she just came from and quickly shuffle out of your usual clothes, all for the better, they're covered in sweat.
>Your new clothes are certainly more... Rustic, to say the least. The shirt is still white, though your frilled skirt and apron are gone, replaced with sky-blue overalls. Interestingly, the cloud-like pattern on your skirt that not many notice are also present on your overalls, and the Rainbow gradient of crystals you wear on your skirt have been adapted as a rainbow-coloured chain on the right side of your hips. This outfit is way too tailored to your liking for it to be a coincidence. Even the boots are the same brown, cross-laced ones you usually wear!
>But you look fantastic. Of course, you look stunningly cute and gorgeous in anything you wear, in your humble opinion, but this makes your current sweaty predicament look like an aesthetic choice rather than a consequence of being chased by death. You look downright down-to-Earth rather than like a Heavenly Celestial. Which some might prefer.

> Follow Youmu and help her with her gardening chores.

>You go out into the gardens and see Youmu waiting for you. Dual-wielding a trowel and clippers.
>"The first step is going to be simple: Uproot any weeds and eliminate them. Couch Grass and Ground Elder are our targets, they are easy to identify as they have white roots that encroach on the area."
>With that, she prepares as going for a flying slash and disappears, cutting six weeds in her path already. Isn't she moving way too fast?!


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #175 on: May 11, 2024, 06:29:17 PM »
> The playful attitude, all these coincidences matching our preferences...  An odd thought surely comes to mind, could miss Saigyouji... l-like us!?

> Give the weeds a slash worthy of a Celestial!
« Last Edit: May 11, 2024, 08:14:08 PM by Tom »

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #176 on: May 11, 2024, 08:45:06 PM »
> How big is the garden? Could we give an approximate estimation on its size?
> Is our slash capable of removing the weed at its root?If we simply cut the upper portion of the weed then it would just regrow and continue spreading. We have to go to the root of the problem.

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #177 on: May 12, 2024, 06:29:50 PM »
> The playful attitude, all these coincidences matching our preferences...  An odd thought surely comes to mind, could miss Saigyouji... l-like us!?

>W-what?! N-no. Surely she's just this accomodating and teasing with anyone she invites over, right? Right?! No way someone like Yuyuko could like you...

> Give the weeds a slash worthy of a Celestial!

>You distract yourself from those thoughts by getting at the task of eliminating weeds!
>You swing your Sword of Hisou with swagger, and it cuts out the upper parts of the Couch Grass, but it doesn't get at the roots.
>You go for a vertical slash and end up missing. How did you miss?!

> How big is the garden? Could we give an approximate estimation on its size?

>The garden is about as big as the main building of Hakugyokurou itself. It's right in the middle of it and is about the size of the chamber room of a mansion. It's... pretty big for just Youmu. Does she really do this every day?

> Is our slash capable of removing the weed at its root?If we simply cut the upper portion of the weed then it would just regrow and continue spreading. We have to go to the root of the problem.

>Unfortunately the slash just hits the upper portion and you somehow missed the root on the second swing.

>Just as you're lamenting over your poor work, Youmu appears behind you dual-wielding a trowel and spade.
>"Your form is sloppy. You're exerting too much effort in your upper body, like you're barrelling through the air rather than moving through the space your blade opens. And your swings are inefficient, you're wasting time and energy by not performing a proper stance."
>Does she really need to assassinate your self-esteem like that?! She said it all with a straight face like it was all obvious facts as well!
>You can't be that bad at swordplay, right? You know you came here to be tutored but you didn't know the gardening was going to be part of the training!
« Last Edit: May 12, 2024, 06:33:08 PM by WitheringFlowerCrown »

Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #178 on: May 12, 2024, 08:17:08 PM »
> One doesn't simply make such an elaborate outfit within a few hours. We've only known each other for so little time, might she be a..... secret admirer?

> "Can you please show me the right stance then?


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Re: In Defiance Of Transience (Tenshi Quest)
« Reply #179 on: May 12, 2024, 08:20:16 PM »
> Anyone she invites over?  The dress is awfully specific to us...

> Readjust our stance based on Youmu's advice to better take advantage of our lower body strength and focus on such strength for our next swing.