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Characters you would like to see again

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--- Quote from: nav on February 22, 2024, 10:54:14 AM ---Yuuka, please! But I gotta accept that if she hasn't made it into the latest Phantasmagoria-style game, she's not coming back at all.

--- End quote ---

I agree, Yuuka FTW

I would normally say Remilia needs a comeback but we at least get some cameos/references of her in print works and endings so I'm lightly satisfied.

The character who I think really needs a comeback is Eiki. Even though she's a final boss, she rarely appears in anything at all. She's one of my favourite characters and it's a big shame that ZUN neglects her.

High-Tension Yuuritsu:
First and foremost I think Stage 5-Stage 6 bosses who haven't appeared in any game as a playable character following their debut game should get a chance to stand it the spotlight again. Like Kaguya, Eirin, Orin, Shou, etc...Then we could gradually move down to the characters at the lower stages.

I've really been wanting to play as Shou for a while, particularly in the fighting games so that she could have a reason to use her non-magical spear as an actual spear and not just to look cool. She's not even playable in Hopeless Masquerade, for some forsaken reason!

I also want Alice to return - not only is she both cute and cool (like many Touhou girls), but it's really weird for ZUN to say that Alice is a special character in her grand return to Windows, and then outright stop featuring her in the games after a while.

And speaking of magicians who know Marisa, I also want Patchouli to have another major game role, both because I love her elemental magic and how it's themed after the days of the week, and also because I recently realized her personality is a lot like mine - pretty much everything the Touhou Wiki says about her personality is more-or-less applicable to me as well!

I think it would be cool to see more PC98 characters coming back but I doubt it'll even happen again. But two characters from the Windows-era games that I would like to see again are the Komeiji sisters.


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